Riding the Next Wave God is sending a spiritual wave into your life. Overcoming Distractions in your Spiritual walk Is as simple as focusing completely on the Wave! Sunday Oct 12, 2008
The Battle After the Break Through Every Break Through will be followed by a battle That battle will focus on testing your faith .... will you believe God and walk in His Victory, or will you fall back into Your old patterns. Sunday Oct 5, 2008
In the last days Jesus said there will be famine. But how will this happen? How will the world run out of food? Maybe the Global Warming "Crisis" is driving policies that are starving people
and Fueling a larger problem. Sunday April 27, 2008
Tired of Trying to Measure Up As the Name implies, trying to measure up Can wear you out. This message was preached a Few months ago, and has been on the web site, But needs to heard again. This message was one of our most requested CDs Sunday February 24, 2008
Filling Empty Vessels God has given us the anointing to bring people in. The oil will flow in the church as long as there are empty Vessels to Fill. Sunday April 6, 2008
When I see the Blood When Satan tries to get you down Just remember the Blood. When the Lord sees the Blood, even though Satan condemns, He Passes over us and the accusations are without ground.